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Top 6 Ways to Use Instagram Marketing to Boost Your Podcast

Top 6 Ways to Use Instagram Marketing to Boost Your Podcast

Top 6 Ways to Use Instagram Marketing to Boost Your Podcast

  • Jul 25, 2024

In digital marketing, podcasters constantly seek ways to expand their reach and grow their audience. One platform that has proven to be a game-changer for many content creators is Instagram. In this blog post, we'll explore the insights shared by Katie Brinkley, a seasoned social media expert with over 19 years of experience in the field.


Katie Brinkley is the founder of Next Step Social Communications and host of the Rocky Mountain Marketing podcast. Her impressive career includes working with major corporations like AT&T and DirecTV, as well as helping numerous businesses of all sizes leverage social media for growth. With her wealth of knowledge and practical experience, Katie offers valuable strategies for podcasters looking to harness the power of Instagram to boost their show's visibility and engagement.


In this article, we'll look into Katie's top six strategies for using Instagram to market your podcast effectively. From focusing on a single platform to optimizing your profile and mastering the algorithm, these tips will help you create a strong presence on Instagram and connect with your ideal audience. So, let's dive in and discover how you can take your podcast to new heights with Instagram marketing!

1. Focus on One Platform

In today's digital landscape, content creators often feel pressured to be active on every social media platform. However, Katie Brinkley suggests a different approach: focusing on one platform and mastering it. For podcasters, Instagram offers a unique set of features that make it an ideal choice for marketing your show.


Instagram provides various ways to share content, including feed posts, Stories, Reels, and IGTV. This versatility lets you connect with your audience through different formats, catering to various content consumption preferences. By concentrating your efforts on Instagram, you can develop a deep understanding of the platform's nuances and create a cohesive strategy that resonates with your target audience.


Moreover, Instagram's organic reach potential surpasses other platforms like Facebook. While a Facebook business page might only reach 1-3% of its followers organically, Instagram offers greater visibility for your content. This increased exposure can lead to higher engagement rates and more opportunities to grow your podcast audience.

2. The Awareness to Action Strategy

Awareness to action is an approach to creating consistent, engaging content on Instagram. This method involves posting three to four times a week, following a specific cycle of post types:


  • Awareness Post: Use a Reel to introduce a topic or problem your podcast addresses.
  • Tip or Tutorial Post: Create a carousel post that provides valuable information about the topic.
  • Community Building Post: Share a personal story or behind-the-scenes content that connects with your audience on a more personal level.
  • Action Post: Encourage your followers to take action, such as listening to your podcast episode or downloading a freebie.


By following this strategy, you create a well-rounded content mix that educates, entertains, and engages your audience. The awareness post captures attention. The tip post provides value, the community-building post fosters connection, and the action post drives listeners to your podcast.


This approach not only increases reach and engagement but also helps you maintain consistency in your posting schedule. By focusing on one topic per week and expanding on it differently, you can create a cohesive narrative that keeps your audience interested and coming back for more.

3. Optimize Your Profile for Discoverability

To maximize the impact, Katie recommends optimizing key elements for searchability and clarity.


The Instagram name field and URL are both searchable, so use them strategically. Include relevant keywords in your name field that describe your podcast or niche. For example, if you host a marketing podcast, you might use "Your Name | Marketing Podcast Host" in your name field.


Your bio should clearly communicate what your podcast is about and what value it provides to listeners. Use this space to highlight your unique selling points and include a call-to-action that directs visitors to your latest episode or a landing page for your show.


Try to opt to utilize the link in your bio. Consider using a tool to share multiple links, such as LinkTree or Tap. Bio, to provide easy access to your podcast on various platforms, your website, and any other relevant resources.


4. Master the Algorithm

Understanding and using the Instagram algorithm to your advantage is crucial for increasing your content's visibility and reach. The algorithm is personalized for each user based on their behavior on the platform. Here are some key points to remember:


• The more your followers interact with your content, the more likely it appears in their feeds.

• Create a mix of posts, Stories, Reels, and IGTV videos to cater to different preferences.

• Include 15-30 hashtags that are specific to your niche and have a manageable volume of posts.

• Maintain a regular posting schedule to stay visible in your followers' feeds.

• Ask questions, use polls, and create content that prompts your audience to engage.


You can create content that aligns with the algorithm's preferences, increasing your chances of reaching a wider audience and attracting potential podcast listeners.

5. Leverage Instagram Stories for Behind-the-Scenes Content

Instagram Stories offer a unique opportunity to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Katie points out that 80% of Instagram users visit Stories before scrolling through their feeds, making it a crucial feature for podcasters to utilize.


Use Stories to share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your podcasting process, tease upcoming episodes, or share quick tips related to your podcast's topic. This content helps humanize your brand and builds a stronger connection with your audience. You can also use features like polls, question stickers, and countdown timers to boost engagement and gather feedback from your listeners.


Don't be afraid to show your personality in Stories. Share moments from your daily life that relate to your podcast theme, or give your audience a peek into your recording setup. This authenticity can help foster a sense of community around your show and encourage listeners to feel more invested in your content.

6. Collaborate and Engage with Your Community

Building a strong community on Instagram can significantly impact your podcast's growth. Katie emphasizes the importance of collaboration and genuine engagement with your audience and other content creators in your niche.


Seek out opportunities to collaborate with other podcasters or influencers in your industry. This could involve going live together, creating a joint Reel, or cross-promoting each other's content. These collaborations expose your podcast to new audiences and can lead to valuable networking opportunities.


Respond authentically to comments, direct messages, and mentions from your followers. Visit the profiles of your engaged followers and leave thoughtful comments on their posts. This reciprocal engagement helps build stronger relationships with your audience and can lead to increased loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion for your podcast.

Make Instagram Work For You!

As we've explored in this article, Instagram offers many opportunities for podcasters to expand their reach and connect with their target audience. By implementing these strategies, you can create a powerful Instagram presence that drives growth for your podcast.


Now, it's time to take action. Consider how you can apply these strategies to your own Instagram marketing efforts. Start by auditing your current Instagram presence and identifying areas for improvement. Then, create a plan to implement these tactics gradually, measuring your results along the way.


Remember, building a strong Instagram presence takes time and consistency. Stay patient, remain authentic, and continue to provide value to your audience. As you refine your approach and engage with your community, your podcast's visibility and listenership can grow.

Key Takeaways:

1. Instagram offers multiple ways to post content, including reels, carousels, stories, and live videos, providing versatility for content creators.


2. The "awareness to action" strategy involves posting 3-4 times a week in a cycle: awareness, tip/tutorial, community building, and action posts.


3. Instagram Stories are crucial, with 80% of users visiting stories before the main feed, making them an essential tool for connection.


4. The Instagram name field and URL are SEO searchable, so optimizing these can improve discoverability.


5. Consistency in posting is key, but engaging with your audience for just 10 minutes a day can help maintain relevance even when posting frequency drops.


6. Using specific, long-tail hashtags (e.g., #DenverPodcast instead of #Podcast) can increase the chances of being found by the target audience.


7. Collaborations and partnerships, such as going live with others or creating joint content, can significantly boost follower growth.


8. Buying followers is not recommended as it can skew metrics and make it harder to reach the actual target audience.


9. Profile views are a crucial metric to track, as they indicate genuine interest in your content and brand.


10. Regularly analyzing Instagram Insights (at least weekly or monthly) helps refine content strategy by understanding audience demographics and preferences.




Thank you so much. And we wish you success in leveraging Instagram to grow your podcast.


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