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6 Tips for Podcasting and Time Management

6 Tips for Podcasting and Time Management

6 Tips for Podcasting and Time Management

  • Oct 07, 2024

In podcasting, there's a growing trend of solo creators taking on multiple roles - from hosting to editing and everything in between. To gain insights on this topic, we turn to Marissa Eikenberry, a web developer and podcast editor who has successfully juggled these responsibilities. As the co-host of the Long Distance Work Life podcast and editor for the Remarkable Leadership podcast, Marissa brings a wealth of experience in managing the demands of solo podcasting while maintaining a full-time job.

In this blog post, we'll explore some essential tips for successful solo podcasting, drawing from Marissa's experiences and insights. These tips can help you navigate the challenges of solo podcasting and create a sustainable, high-quality show.

1. Implement Time Blocking

One of the most important aspects of managing a solo podcast is effective time management. Marissa emphasizes the importance of time blocking, learned from Cal Newport's book "Deep Work." This method involves scheduling specific tasks at set times throughout the week.

For example, Marissa knows that every Wednesday at 10 a.m., she'll be editing the Remarkable Leadership podcast, and every Friday at 2 p.m., she'll be working on Long Distance Work Life. By mapping out these tasks in advance, she ensures that everything gets done without the stress of trying to squeeze tasks into an already-packed schedule.

To implement time blocking for your podcast, identify all the recurring tasks associated with your show (recording, editing, writing show notes, etc.), assign specific time slots for each task in your calendar, and stick to your schedule as much as possible, treating these blocks as non-negotiable appointments

This approach not only helps you stay organized but also creates a routine that can boost your productivity and reduce the mental load of juggling multiple responsibilities.

2. Leverage AI and Automation Tools

In the age of artificial intelligence and automation, solo podcasters have more tools than ever to streamline their workflow. Marissa is not shy about using AI tools like ChatGPT to assist with various aspects of podcast production.

You can try using AI for generating episode titles and descriptions, employing AI-powered tools for creating timestamps and chapter markers. Utilizing automated transcription services and exploring AI-assisted editing tools to speed up post-production.

While these tools can significantly reduce your workload, try not to rely on them entirely. Always review and refine AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your voice and meets your quality standards.

3. Build a Content Bank

One of the challenges of solo podcasting is maintaining a consistent publishing schedule, especially when life gets hectic. Building a content bank can help you navigate busy periods or unexpected disruptions.

To build a content bank, you record extra episodes when you have more time, keep a running list of episode ideas for future use, prepare evergreen content that can be published at any time, and consider recording "Emergency" episodes that can be used when you're unable to produce new content

Having a backlog of content gives you flexibility and reduces stress during busy times or when unexpected events disrupt your usual routine.

4. Be Realistic About Your Capacity

As a solo podcaster, it's crucial to be honest about what you can realistically accomplish. Marissa emphasizes the importance of understanding your limits and being willing to adjust your podcast production when other life priorities take precedence.

To maintain a sustainable podcasting practice, you need to regularly assess your workload and adjust your podcast schedule if necessary. Don't be afraid to take breaks or go on hiatus if necessary, and make sure to communicate openly with your audience about changes to your publishing schedule. Consistency over the long term is more important than short-term perfection.

By being realistic about your capacity, you can avoid burnout and ensure that your podcast remains a rewarding rather than stressful endeavor.

5. Embrace Imperfection

When you're handling every aspect of podcast production, it's easy to get caught up in trying to make everything perfect. However, this pursuit of perfection can often lead to procrastination, stress, and even abandoning your podcast altogether.

Instead, focus on progress over perfection. You can accept that your early episodes may not be as polished as you'd like. Viewing each episode as an opportunity to learn and improve will help you maintain a growth mindset. Authenticity often resonates more with listeners than polished perfection, so you will sound human. Be willing to experiment and learn from both successes and failures.

By embracing imperfection, you give yourself permission to grow and improve over time, which is often more valuable than striving for an unattainable ideal of perfection from the start.

6. Continuously Learn and Adapt

The podcasting landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, platforms, and best practices emerging regularly. As a solo podcaster, it's important to stay informed and be willing to adapt your approach as needed.

To stay current and improve your podcasting skills:

  • Follow industry blogs, podcasts, and social media accounts
  • Attend podcasting conferences or webinars when possible
  • Experiment with new tools and techniques
  • Seek feedback from listeners and fellow podcasters
  • Regularly review your analytics to understand what's working and what isn't

Committing to continuous learning and adaptation will ensure that your podcast remains relevant and engaging for your audience.

Embrace Solo Podcasting 

Solo podcasting can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. By implementing these seven tips—from effective time management to embracing imperfection and continuous learning—you'll be ready to navigate the unique challenges of producing a podcast on your own.

The key to successful solo podcasting isn't about doing everything perfectly from the start. It's about consistently showing up, learning from each episode, and gradually refining your process over time. With patience, persistence, and a willingness to adapt, you can create a compelling podcast that resonates with your audience and brings you satisfaction as a creator. Your unique voice and perspective deserve to be heard, and with the right approach, you can make it happen - one episode at a time.


1. Implement time blocking to effectively manage podcast production tasks alongside other responsibilities.


2. Focus on essential podcast elements first, gradually adding more complex features as you become more comfortable.


3. Leverage AI and automation tools to streamline podcast production, but always review and refine the output.


4. Build a content bank to maintain consistency during busy periods or unexpected disruptions.


5. Be realistic about your capacity as a solo podcaster and be willing to adjust your schedule when necessary.


6. Embrace imperfection in your podcasting journey, focusing on progress over perfection.


7. Continuously learn and adapt to stay current with evolving podcasting trends and technologies.


8. Consider repurposing past episodes when facing scheduling challenges, ensuring to label them as reposts.


9. When transitioning from editor to co-host, focus on slowing down and treating the podcast as a conversation.


10. Recognize that authenticity often resonates more with listeners than polished perfection.




If you're looking for a great all-in-one podcasting platform with 50 integrated tools, you can get a free trial at

Thanks for joining us for this episode. I wish you success as you learn to manage your time as a podcaster.


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