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6 Tips for Growing Your Podcast by Being a Guest on Other Shows

6 Tips for Growing Your Podcast by Being a Guest on Other Shows

6 Tips for Growing Your Podcast by Being a Guest on Other Shows

  • Sep 05, 2024

One of the most effective ways to grow your audience and expand your reach is by being a guest on other people's shows. Stacey Chillemi, a top health and wellness influencer, and bestselling author, has mastered this strategy to become one of the top 10 entrepreneurs in 2023 as selected by Apple News. With over 20 bestselling books, multiple appearances on the Dr. Oz show, and one of her articles hitting 17 million views, Stacey has a wealth of knowledge about leveraging podcast guest appearances to build your brand.

In this blog post, we'll explore Stacey's journey and uncover her top tips for successfully growing your podcast by being a guest on other shows. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your existing podcast to the next level, these insights will help you make the most of guest opportunities and expand your influence in the podcasting world.

1. Develop Your Credibility

Before you can effectively leverage guest appearances on other podcasts, it's crucial to establish yourself in your field. Stacey published her first book, "Epilepsy, You're Not Alone," which became a bestseller that laid the foundation for her future work and credibility in the health and wellness space.

To build your own expertise and credibility, you can start by identifying your niche and focus area. Conduct thorough research in your chosen field and use your knowledge to write articles, blog posts, or books on your topic. Developing a unique perspective or approach to your subject matter will allow you to share your knowledge through various platforms (social media, your website, etc.)

By establishing yourself as an authority in your field, you'll be more attractive to podcast hosts and have valuable insights to share with their audiences.

2. Create a Compelling Pitch

Once you've established your credibility, it's time to start reaching out to podcast hosts. Creating a well-crafted pitch is essential to securing guest spots. She recommends developing a "sales pitch" that introduces yourself, explains your purpose, and highlights the benefits listeners will receive from hearing your message.

Key elements to include in your pitch:

  • A brief introduction of yourself and your background
  • Your purpose and why you do what you do
  • The specific benefits and value you can provide to the audience
  • Your credibility and authority in your field (e.g., books published, notable appearances, awards)
  • A clear request to be a guest on their show

Remember to tailor your pitch to each podcast you're targeting, showing that you've done your research and understand their audience and content.

3. Actively Seek Out Opportunities

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you – be proactive in seeking out podcasts where you can share your message. Stacey suggests several strategies for finding potential guest spots. Use podcast directories and websites like Radio Guest List to find shows looking for guests. 

You can search for podcasts in your niche using Google and other search engines. LinkedIn allows you to connect with podcast hosts and producers and get yourself out there. By attending industry events and networking with other podcasters, you can get a leg up. And in making those connections, you can ask for referrals from hosts you've already worked with

The key is to be persistent and consistent in your outreach efforts. As Stacey points out, "You have to put yourself out there, get connections, and show people what you're worth."

4. Choose the Right Podcasts

Not all podcast guest opportunities are created equal. It's important to be selective and choose shows that align with your goals and audience. 

There are many factors to consider when reaching out to other podcasts. Does the podcast's audience match your target demographic? Does the show's content and style align with your message and approach? What can the other podcast do for you? Is the host respected in their field, and do they have a good reputation?

By carefully selecting the podcasts you appear on, you'll ensure that your message reaches the right audience and that your time is well-spent.

5. Prepare Authentically

While it's important to be prepared for your guest appearances, Stacey emphasizes the value of authenticity over scripted responses. She advises against memorizing a script and instead recommends familiarizing yourself with the podcast's goals and focus. 

Understand the specific topic or angle the host wants to discuss. Prepare key points or stories you want to share. Be ready to speak from the heart and let your passion shine through.

Being yourself is the best way to go. People want to see who you are. By preparing authentically, you'll be able to connect more genuinely with the audience and deliver a memorable appearance.

6. Understand Your Audience

While staying true to your core message, it's important to know who you're talking to and content to the specific audience of each podcast. 

Start by understanding the podcast's niche and audience demographics and identifying how your message can benefit that particular audience—structuring your content in a clear, easy-to-follow format (e.g., steps or tips). Keep your message concise and impactful. Offering a way for listeners to connect with you for further help or information

By tailoring your message, you'll increase the relevance and impact of your appearance, making it more likely that listeners will seek out your own podcast or content.

Guest Appearances for Long-term Success

By implementing these tips and consistently appearing as a guest on other podcasts, you can significantly expand your reach and grow your own podcast audience. Remember that success in podcasting, as in any field, takes time and persistence. 

Stay committed to your purpose, continue to provide value to your audience, and be open to learning and growing with each guest appearance. By doing so, you'll grow your podcast and establish yourself as a respected voice in your field, opening doors to even greater opportunities in the future.

Start by implementing one or two of these strategies in your podcasting journey. As you become more comfortable and see results, gradually incorporate the other tips. With patience, persistence, and a focus on providing value, you'll be well on your way to podcasting success through strategic guest appearances.

Key Takeaways:

1. Personal challenges can lead to finding your life's purpose: Stacey's experience with epilepsy led her to become an advocate for health and wellness.


2. Writing and sharing your story can be a powerful way to connect with others and build credibility in your field.


3. Transitioning from traditional media to digital platforms like podcasts can help reach a broader audience in today's changing media landscape.


4. Being a guest on other people's podcasts is an effective strategy for growing your influence and reach before starting your own show.


5. Create a compelling pitch letter that introduces yourself, explains your purpose, and highlights your credibility when reaching out to podcast hosts.


6. Use resources like LinkedIn, podcast directories, and Google searches to find relevant podcasts and connect with hosts.


7. When appearing as a guest, speak naturally and from the heart rather than using scripted responses for a more authentic connection with the audience.


8. Tailor your message to the show's audience by focusing on your niche and providing clear, actionable steps for listeners.


9. Build relationships with podcast hosts by being friendly and respectful and showing genuine gratitude for the opportunity to appear on their show.


10. Continuous goal-setting, self-reflection, and personal growth are crucial for long-term success in podcasting and building an influential brand.




I wish you success as you work to grow your podcast by being a guest on other people's podcasts.


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