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6 Tips for Booking High-Profile Podcast Guests

6 Tips for Booking High-Profile Podcast Guests

6 Tips for Booking High-Profile Podcast Guests

  • Aug 29, 2024

Securing interviews with high-profile guests can take your podcast to the next level, providing incredible value for your audience and helping grow your show. But how do you convince busy, in-demand people to appear on your podcast, especially when you're just starting out? In this post, we'll explore 7 key strategies for booking top-tier guests based on insights from Travis Chappell, founder and CEO of Guestio and host of the Travis Makes Friends podcast.

Travis has interviewed major names like Shaquille O'Neal, Grant Cardone, and James Clear on his show. He's learned through trial and error how to land these coveted guests, even when starting from scratch with no existing audience or connections. 

Let's break down Travis' top tips for booking high-profile podcast guests, even if you're just starting out. These tactics can help you land interviews that will provide massive value for your audience and help grow your show.

1. Focus on Providing Value, Not Audience Size

Many podcasters assume you need a huge audience to book top-tier guests. But Travis says this is a fundamental misunderstanding:

"The number one factor that they're concerned with, anybody who's that busy, anybody who's that quote-unquote hard to get, the reason that they're that hard to get is because they understand one very important principle that most people without money don't understand, and that is that money is not the ultimate asset. Time is the ultimate asset. Because time is by definition nonrenewable."

High-profile people are incredibly protective of their time. Your job as the host is to demonstrate that an interview on your show will be a valuable use of their limited time.

Focus on crafting a compelling pitch that explains exactly how you'll provide value rather than just touting your download numbers. What unique angle or audience will you offer? How will you make the interview process smooth and efficient? Emphasize the benefits to them, not just to you and your show.

2. Build Social Proof Through Lower-Profile Guests

One of the best ways to demonstrate value is by showcasing other impressive guests you've had on your show. But how do you do that when you're just starting out?

Travis recommends a step-by-step approach of gradually working your way up to bigger names. You will be ignored and looked over at first. But as you focus on the people around the high-profile people you want on your show and reach out to them, you increase your potential guests exponentially.

Start by reaching out to guests who are a bit more accessible but still impressive. As you book these guests, you'll build social proof that makes it easier to land bigger names. It's a gradual process of working your way up.

3. Do Your Research

Thorough research is crucial for crafting a compelling pitch and conducting a great interview. You need to really understand the importance of your potential guest's world. Travis would follow the people he saw on his show and figure out their content and focus.

Study your target guests' content, accomplishments, and connections. What unique questions could you ask that they haven't been asked before? How does your show align with their interests and goals? The more you understand them, the better you can tailor your pitch and interview.

4. Leverage Mutual Connections

As you book guests and expand your network, always be on the lookout for mutual connections that could lead to bigger opportunities. Travis managed to get Shaq on his show because he had reached out to a bunch of acquaintances and companies that had something to do with him. Making those connections really makes an impact. Taking the time for it means that when it comes down to the relationship you have formed, you will always have something to talk about.

Look for ways you might be connected to your dream guests, even indirectly. A warm introduction can go a long way. Make sure you don't come across as overly eager, and make sure whomever you have on your show is welcomed and thanked for their time, no matter how big of a guest they are.

5. Be Persistent (But Not Annoying)

Landing top guests often requires multiple attempts. Travis emphasizes the importance of not giving up after one rejection. When you choose to reach out to people, send cold messages, and put yourself out there, be polite about it. Their time is very valuable, and you want to be seen, but you don't want to infringe on what they are busy with.

Stay persistent and keep trying new angles. But also be respectful - don't pester people or ignore clear "no's." It's a delicate balance, but one you are capable of mastering. Learning this will not just help you with your show. This is a skill you can take to the bank. It will also help you as you develop your brand and show your personality.

6. Be Patient and Play the Long Game

Travis emphasizes that booking top guests is a long-term process. The people you are reaching out to have never met you before. They don’t know you, and you don't know them. By working on the other tips mentioned earlier in the episode, you will be able to give your prospective guests a reason to talk to you. Overall, time is the key to everything you choose to do to further your show and brand. 

Don't get discouraged if you don't land your dream guests right away. Keep consistently putting out great content, expanding your network, and working your way up. With patience and persistence, you can eventually reach the top tiers.

Landing A-List Guests for Your Podcast

Booking high-profile guests may seem daunting when you're just starting out. But by focusing on providing value, gradually building social proof, doing thorough research, leveraging connections, being persistent, making it easy to say yes, and playing the long game, you can work your way up to landing major interviews. It's a gradual process that takes time. But stick with it, and you may find yourself chatting with your podcasting heroes sooner than you think.

Start by identifying a few "reach" guests you'd love to have on your show. Then, break down the steps to get there - what intermediary guests could you book first? What research can you do? What connections can you leverage? Map out your game plan and start taking action. With the right approach and some patience, you can take your podcast guest list to the next level.

Key Takeaways:

1. Persistence and relationship-building are crucial for securing high-profile podcast guests like Shaquille O'Neal and Grant Cardone.

2. Offering value and demonstrating credibility is more important than having a large audience when reaching out to potential guests.

3. Monetizing a podcast through coaching and masterminds can be more lucrative than traditional advertising or sponsorships.

4. Masterminds differ from membership sites by offering a more personal touch, higher ticket prices, and a focus on community and connection rather than just education.

5. Participating in high-level masterminds can provide valuable networking opportunities, perspective shifts, and potential business deals.

6. The loneliness epidemic among entrepreneurs can be combated through participation in masterminds, which offer understanding and support from like-minded individuals.

7. When choosing a mastermind, look for groups run by successful individuals whose core business isn't solely running masterminds, as this can reduce potential bias.

8. Joining masterminds in complementary industries can position you as a valuable resource and lead to more business opportunities.

9. Masterminds can range from ongoing monthly memberships to one-time weekend events, with pricing varying accordingly.

10. Creating a mastermind can be an effective way for podcasters to monetize their audience and build a community around their content.



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Thanks for joining us for this episode. I wish you success as you work on booking A-list guests on your podcast.


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