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5 Essential Tips for Running a Successful Global Podcast

5 Essential Tips for Running a Successful Global Podcast

5 Essential Tips for Running a Successful Global Podcast

  • Sep 24, 2024

In digital media, podcasting has emerged as a powerful platform for sharing stories, ideas, and knowledge across borders. However, creating content that resonates with a global audience comes with its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. Today, we're delving deep into the insights shared by Enma Popli, host of the Atalanta Diaries show, on how to run a successful global podcast. 

Enma's journey is a testament to the power of passion and purpose in podcasting. Born and raised in India, she has lived in various parts of the world, including Southeast Asia and the United States. This rich cultural background has significantly influenced her approach to podcasting, allowing her to create content that speaks to women from diverse backgrounds and regions.

The Atalanta Diaries, named after the Greek goddess who shattered all ceilings, features pioneering women from various fields and regions. These women share their stories of resilience and success, inspiring listeners across the globe. What started as a project to bring different perspectives to women has evolved into a platform for celebrating women's stories and creating more "Atalantas" - trailblazers who inspire others to find their North Star.

Let's explore five key tips from Enma's experience that can help you run a successful global podcast:

1. Embrace Cultural Sensitivity

Running a global podcast requires a deep understanding and respect for different cultures. Enma's background in corporate training, where she conducted workshops on cultural sensitivity for clients like Microsoft, has been invaluable in her podcasting journey.

To effectively bridge cultural gaps:

  • Recognize and understand that there are different cultures
  • Be humble towards different cultures
  • Be sensitive to cultural nuances

Enma emphasizes the importance of learning about different cultures, reading about them, and approaching them with humility. This approach allows you to interact and adjust to any culture, making your podcast more accessible and relatable to a global audience.

Remember, cultural sensitivity isn't about walking on eggshells; it's about creating a respectful and inclusive environment where diverse voices can be heard and appreciated. Research the cultural background of your guests before interviews, be aware of cultural taboos or sensitive topics, and use inclusive language that doesn't assume shared cultural experiences. If you're unsure about a cultural reference or practice, ask respectfully for clarification. Be open to learning from your guests and audience about their cultures.

2. Be Flexible with Time Zones

Time zones can be a significant challenge when running a global podcast. Enma's approach to this issue is rooted in her passion for the project and her genuine interest in connecting with her guests. She has hosted guests from various countries, including Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States. Her flexibility in adjusting to different times has been crucial in bringing diverse voices to her podcast.

To effectively handle time zone differences, be flexible and willing to adjust your schedule. Give your guests the freedom to choose a time that works for them. Recognize that accommodating different time zones is part of running a global podcast. Use a World Clock app to keep track of different time zones, and when scheduling, always clarify which time zone you're referring to. Consider using a scheduling tool that automatically adjusts for time zones. Be prepared to work outside your usual hours occasionally, and if possible, batch record interviews from similar time zones.

Remember, your willingness to accommodate different time zones shows respect for your guests and can lead to richer, more diverse content for your listeners.

3. Use Your Unique Skills to Enhance Your Podcast

Enma's background as a coach has significantly influenced her approach to podcasting. She's been able to use her coaching skills to "unpack" more from her conversations with guests, leading to deeper and more meaningful discussions.

Identify your strengths and how they can enhance your podcast. Don't be afraid to evolve your approach as you gain experience. Trust the process and allow yourself to be authentic. Enma shares that as she progressed with her podcast, she moved away from strictly following a script and watching the clock. Instead, she started to "dance with the client," exploring conversations more freely and enjoying the journey. This approach has allowed her to create more impactful content and even led to potential business opportunities as guests often reach out for further collaboration after their interviews.

If you have a background in journalism, use your investigative skills to uncover unique angles in your interviews. For those with a background in education, consider how you can make complex topics more accessible to your audience. If you have experience in theater or public speaking, use those skills to improve your delivery and engagement. Technical skills can be used to improve your podcast's production quality. Remember, your unique combination of skills and experiences is what sets your podcast apart. Don't be afraid to let your personality and expertise shine through.

4. Treat Your Podcast as a Passion Project

One of the most striking aspects of Enma's approach is her view of her podcast as a passion project. This perspective allows her to stay committed and enthusiastic about her podcast, focus on creating value rather than just chasing numbers, and weather the challenges that come with podcasting.

Enma shares that her passion for the project keeps her going even when she feels exhausted or encounters a lull. She allows herself breaks, time to reflect, and opportunities to regroup with her team and advisors to improve the podcast continually.

To maintain passion in your podcasting journey, regularly revisit your 'why' - the reason you started your podcast. Celebrate small wins and milestones along the way. Connect with your audience to remind yourself of the impact you're making. Allow yourself to evolve and explore new ideas within your podcast. Take breaks when needed to avoid burnout, and surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow podcasters. Remember, when you're genuinely passionate about your podcast, that enthusiasm will shine through in your content and resonate with your audience.

5. Understand Your Target Market

Enma's insights into the differences between the Indian and U.S. podcasting markets highlight the importance of understanding your target audience and their habits. Be aware of the level of podcast awareness in your target countries, understand the content consumption habits of your target audience, and recognize the technological and lifestyle factors that might influence podcast listening (e.g., commuting habits).

Enma notes that podcasting is still developing in India, with people more accustomed to video content. This understanding allows her to adapt her strategy and potentially leverage the opportunity of being an early entrant in a developing market.

To better understand and reach your target market, conduct listener surveys to understand your audience's preferences and habits. Use analytics tools to gain insights into your listeners' demographics and behaviors. Research podcasting trends in different countries or regions you're targeting. Consider creating supplementary content (like video clips or blog posts) to cater to different content consumption preferences. Engage with your audience on social media to understand their interests and pain points. Adapt your marketing strategies based on the popular platforms in your target countries.

Remember, what works in one market may not work in another. Be prepared to adapt your content and promotion strategies based on the specific needs and preferences of each market you're targeting.

Staying True to Your Why

Running a successful global podcast goes beyond just creating content - it's about staying true to your purpose and continuously evolving. Enma's journey with Atalanta Diaries exemplifies this approach. She emphasizes the importance of being committed and passionate about your purpose. Whenever she feels tired or exhausted, she remembers the impact she's making through the podcast and returns to her 'why'. This purpose-driven approach, combined with a willingness to evolve and adapt, has been key to the success of Atalanta Diaries.

To stay true to your 'why', write down your podcast's mission and revisit it regularly. Keep a folder of positive feedback or impact stories from your listeners. Set goals that align with your purpose, not just download numbers. Regularly reflect on how your podcast is fulfilling its mission. Be open to pivoting or evolving your podcast if you find a better way to serve your purpose.

As you embark on or continue your global podcasting journey, remember to stay connected to your purpose, be open to learning and adapting, and, most importantly, enjoy the process. With passion, purpose, and these tips in mind, you're well on your way to creating a podcast that resonates with listeners around the world.

Key Takeaways:

1. Enma Popli hosts Atalanta Diaries, featuring pioneering women from diverse fields and regions.


2. The podcast name is inspired by Atalanta, a Greek goddess who shattered all ceilings.


3. Enma's global background helps her navigate cultural sensitivities in podcasting.


4. She emphasizes flexibility in dealing with time zones for a global podcast.


5. Enma uses her coaching skills to create deeper, more meaningful conversations with guests.


6. The podcast is treated as a passion project, which helps maintain commitment and enthusiasm.


7. Understanding target markets is crucial - podcasting habits differ between countries like India and the US.


8. Enma focuses on the 'why' behind her podcast, inspired by Simon Sinek's Golden Circle concept.


9. The podcast has evolved from sharing perspectives to celebrating women's stories.


10. Enma advises addressing fatigue and regularly evolving the podcast format to maintain quality.



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Thank you for joining me this week. And I wish you success as you expand your outreach and get global!

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